Friday, July 6, 2007

Couches and Beds

I like sleeping on the couch, I can look out the window and watch the world go by. But I am not always allowed to. The bed is the same way. I am not allowed to sleep in the bed at night, I have a nice basket, in fact I have two, one in the bedroom and one n the living room. In the morning early, I jump on the bed next to mom and she lets me. The terrorists get to sleep there all night. I guess it is because they are so small. I wish I could sleep on the bed too.


Anonymous said...

Hey, me too! I love to sit by the window and watch the world go by. I have a basket too, call it my nest. But as soon as Mom goes to sleep I curl up beside her...shhhhh.

Rattie said...

We completely sympathize with you - we also wish we could be allowed on the bed but mum has issues with rats in the bed - go figure.

Anonymous said...

Best blog ever.


Anonymous said...

awwww this pic is cute this is a human but this is so cute i luv dogs!!